
  • Get your Business found with Tribe Search  
  • Create a Custom Digital Business Card with Your Connect profile
  • Connect your Website or Product URL/links for Simple Connect Sales
  • Option to get your Tribe notifications via. e-mail
  • Protect Your inbox with Connection Only messaging 
  • Send Group invites to multiple members at once
  • Connect with like minded people with our Exclusive Tribe Connection groups
  • Use your Q.T. Digital Business Card by sharing the link or putting it in your Instagram Bio 
  • Create Unique and highly Customizable Tribes
  • Upload related Documents and Photos to your Tribe Dashboard 
  • Option to upgrade to Paid Tribes with Conversion Tracking, Reporting and Analytics 
  • Host exclusive Live Webinars or meetings and Invite members from within your Group Dashboard
  • Guest Tribe accounts to help with on boarding Staff, students, teams, fans or customers  
  • Full Updates and Support included
  • Upgrade or Cancel Anytime

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